This series of thoughts is the result of a morning Bible study in which the devotion’s aim was to encourage believers to spend more time thinking about our home for eternity. The goal was to motivate believers to be so excited about our final destination, that we would jump at the opportunity to share the Gospel with those around us. The idea of not spending eternity with our family, friends and neighbors, should inspire us to reach out to them with the true love of Jesus.

I certainly have no special knowledge of Heaven. As you will soon learn by reading through these thoughts, I really only have questions. But, I find the process of asking the questions to somehow encourage me that Heaven is so grand, I cannot begin to comprehend what God has in store. So, serving Him here and now, seems such a small contribution to His overall grand scheme. He bids each of us to be obedient to His call!

To His honor and His glory!

ih-faviconTom Wright
Vandalia, IL